1. Assign a Copilot
  2. Remove a Copilot
  3. FAQs

Assign or remove a Copilot

You can safely delegate tasks to someone else without sharing your login information by assigning them as your Copilot. Your copilot can access your Expensify account through their own account to:

  • Prepare expenses on your behalf
  • Approve and reimburse expense reports on your behalf (Full Access Copilots only)
  • View and make changes to your account, domain, and workspace settings
  • View all expenses visible from your account

Assign a Copilot

  1. Hover over Settings and click Account.
  2. Under Account Details, scroll down to the Copilot: Delegated Access section.
  3. Enter the email address or phone number for the person you want to assign as your Copilot.
  4. Select whether you want to give your Copilot Full or Submit Only access.
    • Full Access: Your Copilot will have full access to your account. Nearly every action you can do and everything you can see in your account will also be available to your Copilot. However, Copilots do not have the ability to add or remove other Copilots from your account.
    • Submit Only Access: Your Copilot will have the same access and limitations as a Full Access Copilot, but they will not be able to approve reports on your behalf—they can only submit them.
  5. Click Invite Copilot.

If your Copilot already has an Expensify account, they will get an email notifying them that they can now also access your account from within their own. If they do not have an Expensify account, they will get an email with a link to create one. Once created, they will be able to access your account from within their own.

Remove a Copilot

This action must be completed by the account owner. Copilots cannot remove other Copilots from an account.

  1. Hover over Settings and click Account.
  2. Under Account Details, scroll down to the Copilot: Delegated Access section.
  3. Click the red X next to the copilot to remove them.


Can I only have one Copilot?

You can assign as many Copilots as you like—there is no limit.

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